We are making progress!
- Rob – the collage is ready for printing – just waiting for printers.
- Harry – jolegacy.ca is up and running and is waiting for content.
- Edie and Sophie – South Vancouver photos in library reading room.
- Lara – set up ASANA, a communication app that we can use instead of email. Lara will need to train us on it.
- Bank Account – We have an appointment on Thursday September 12th at 10 am at Vancity 47th and Fraser. We need signing officers to be there for the account opening. We need two of the signing officers to be Vancity members for 6 months (I am a member – so one more) plus anyone else who wants to be a signatory on the account. Please let me know as I need to send in names before the appointment.
- We have $505.10 in cash to deposit and owe Monica, Graphic Designer, $120 for the final arrangements of photos and text on the collage.
- Thank you to Harold Duncan, Class of ’67, for offering to print the collage for free and to Lara for referring Rob to Monica, who kindly gave us a reduced rate for her services.
Next Steps:
- Meeting to plan our Fall activities – please send me a general idea of availability and I will contact Kathryn Walks to book the Green Room.
- I will contact Kathryn to ask if the VSB will purchase a scanner that can scan books; otherwise we may have to cost share or pay for it.
- Check out the second floor storage room for items, decide on how to sort, classify and digitize items we have.
- Approach JO for more space above our filing cabinets.
- Provide Harry with content for website.
- Please send me other agenda items that I will include for our next meeting.
Thank you for being part of this important project.
For the Red and Blue
John Oliver Legacy Society