We are moving along!
- Rob chose the photos and organized the layout and printing of our collage.
- Thank you to Monica Calderon https://monicadesigns.ca/ for her graphic arts layout and design.
- Thank you to Harold Duncan for printing the collage for us through his business TR Trades https://www.trtrades.com/.
- Damian authorized placing the collage in the foyer near the office (where honour roll lists used to be)
- Sophie revised the legacy letter to give to reunion committees to request donations.
- Nancy delivered memorabilia to the Firefighters Hall for the Class of 79 50th Reunion to use and they kindly donated $100.
- Alicia, Sophie and Edie opened a John Oliver Legacy Society Account at Vancity Fraser Street branch with our $508.
- Kathryn purchased a scanner through VSB to scan books ( yet to be tested, as of September 19th).
- We need to purchase a hard drive to store our files, as they can’t be stored on VSB computers.