South Vancouver – Avalon Dairy
It survived war. It outlasted depressions. It sidestepped meddling politicians, uncompromising bankers, and an unrelenting wave of conglomeration. Its values, and its iconic glass jugs, never changed. Yes, Avalon is a dairy farm, but it’s also a story of overcoming hardship.
Though not much bigger than a jockey, Jeremiah Crowley was a larger-than-life ironworker-turned-dairy farmer. Born in 1875, he was seldom found without his pipe and bowler hat. He was the handiest of handymen, fixing anything that broke, and was so frugal he could squeeze the copper out of a penny. Both attributes helped carry Avalon through tough decades and shaped a dairy as proud and independent as the man who founded it. The only independent dairy in BC started at 5805 Wales Street in South Vancouver in 1906 with six cows.
Read more about its interesting history